Regulations for the Reading Riot National Competition for South African Schools

  1. Latest Version of the Application
  2. To be eligible to proceed to the next round, participants must use the latest version of the application.

  3. AIUF (Action Interpret Understand Factor)
  4. If a participant's results fall outside the parameters of international norms and are categorized as "impossible to reach," the individual will not be eligible to proceed to the next round.

  5. Tampering with the System
  6. Evidence of tampering with the system to cheat will result in the participant's profile being ineligible to proceed to the next round.

  7. Multiple Profiles
  8. Participants found to have more than one profile in a round will not be eligible to proceed to the next round.

  9. Comprehension Requirement
  10. Participants with comprehension scores below 70%, regardless of reading speed, will not be eligible to proceed to the next round. According to international norms and standards for silent reading fluency, the threshold is 70% comprehension.

  11. Querying Data Analysts' Decisions
  12. Participants wishing to challenge the decision made by our data analysts must travel to a verified and qualified Solution Hub for a paper-based re-evaluation. The results will be signed, shared with the Reading Riot team, and considered for a final decision. Costs for the professional services will be payable by the participant.

  13. Inconsistency in the Final Round
  14. If a participant reaches the final round but fails to match the outcomes achieved in previous rounds, an investigation will be conducted to verify the participant's identity. If dishonesty is confirmed, all awards and acknowledgments will be retracted.

  15. Eligibility and Registration
  16. Participants must have completed the registration and Round 1 to be eligible for any and all Reading Riot rules and privileges.

  17. Finality of Judges' Decisions
  18. The decision of the Reading Riot judges will be final.

  19. Institutional Dishonesty
  20. If there are more than 5 cases of dishonesty in any round within a particular institution, an investigation will be initiated, which can lead to the disqualification of the entire institution from that challenge.

  21. Student Status
  22. In order to compete, a participant must be verifiably registered as a grade 6 student at the school they are competing for. Failure to comply will result in disqualification from the challenge.